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CelloJoe - Cello, Beatboxing, Singing & Looping - Classical Hip-Hop. International bicycle touring vagabond troubadour cellist beatboxer


GoPro: The Wildest Beatboxing Cellist in the West

Dubstep Spaceship Official Music Video

Joey Chang aka CelloJoe is the world's only beatboxing, long distance bicycling, looping cellist.  He is the wildest beatboxing cellist in the west. By combining cello with beatboxing, he has created a unique genre: Classical Hip Hop. 

CelloJoe records live on stage with a loop pedal and produces intricate tapestries of harmony, melody, and rhythm. His beatboxing (vocal percussion) and funky cello grooves form a rich soundscape for intelligent lyrics and his music spreads love, joy, laughter and conscious vibrations. 

Photo by Eli Zaturanski - www.elizphotography.com
Art by Jesse Noemind - noemind.com

You can download music, find out about upcoming shows, read the latest news & blog posts. see photos, join the email list, connect on social networks, read CelloJoe's biography, see some press coverage on CelloJoe, learn about CelloJoe's Bicycle Music Tours, and 自由門ios版 CelloJoe.

TEDx: Cello & Beatbox: Cello Joe at TEDxConstitutionDrive 2013

CelloJoe's 2014 Promotional Video

CelloJoe - "Get Freaky" - Symbiosis Gathering 2013

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  1. buy anastrozole9:16 PM

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